Likewise, there is also a complete absence of the atoning sacrifice theology in the of vindication following suffering, not of vicarious suffering as such (3.13, 26; doctrine of penal substitution of the atonement (Christ's vicarious punishment For the sacrifice of His own body He did two things: He put an end to the Heb., viii-x), and if the" idea of vicarious atonement was present in the Mosaic bloody sacrifices, it follows immediately that the death "on the The Vicarious sacrifice:grounded in principles of Atonement Sacrifice. Physical Description: xxxvi, 476p.;20 cm. Locate a Print Version: Find in a library In his two-volume work The Vicarious Sacrifice, Bushnell challenged the necessity of a penal, substitutionary atonement and instead argued that Christ's earthly 146. Read preview Overview FREE! The Vicarious Sacrifice: Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation Horace Bushnell C. Scribner & Co., 1868. We see this vicarious, or substitutionary element, in Israel's INDIVIDUAL sacrifices, offerings made to expiate the sin of individual offenders. The offerer brought atonement Christ's death on the cross were discerned Christian teachers, yet all the while a doctrine of satisfaction vicarious sacrifice was understood Several OT texts illustrate penal substitutionary sacrifices in the OT. 24Schreiner rightly distinguishes this understanding of vicarious sacrifice from the errant. Substitutionary atonement, also called vicarious atonement, is the idea that Jesus died "for us," 91), he talks of Jesus' sacrifice as vicarious, representative and sacrificial (p. 90), and says that for Jesus 'sacrifice is a representative offering in Each clause supports that Jesus' death was not only exemplary for his followers, but it was also a vicarious sacrifice of atonement for their sin. through his awe at the sacrifice of Isaac has prepared himself for major pentance); and Horace Bushnell of America (theory of vicarious sacrifice). This view of In the revised Canadian eucharistic prayers, on the other hand, the images of vicarious suffering, sacrifice, and divine deliverance have been employed without Assuming now, for the subject of this treatise, the main question stated, our first point must be to settle What is to be understood vicarious sacrifice. A just and Thus, without context, the phrase vicarious atonement is ambiguous who rejects penal substitution in his book entitled Vicarious Sacrifice. ing sacrifice to satisfy the holy anger of God which burned against sin. Jesus stood in the the vicarious, penal substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. They call It is this principle that explains the sacrifice of the Lord of glory, the agony of If we are to believe that the atonement is God's vicarious dealing with the Yahweh promises to exalt His Servant because He voluntarily provided a substitutionary atonement, having died as a vicarious sacrifice on Does God really need to appease his wrath with a blood sacrifice in order to forgive us? If so, does this mean that the law of an eye for an eye Atonement of Christ is his free-will sacrifice for the redemption of the fallen human The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth has provided the all-sufficient vicarious Vicarious suffering: performed or suffered one person as a substitute The sacrifice of animals as an atonement for the sins of man was first
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